Скачать Developing Star Trek Effects in After Effects (2014)
Добро пожаловать в создание эффектов из Star Trek в After Effects. Мы будем воссоздавать несколько спецэффектов в стиле, аналогичном JJ Abrams Star Trek, которые мы будем создавать: звездолет в пространстве, корабль пролетит мимо, звездолет стреляет ракетами, фазовращатели и импульсные пушки, транспортеры. Мы будем использовать After Effects и 2 плагина от компании Video Copilot (Optical Flares и элемент 3D) для создания этих эффектов. Мы также поговорим о компоновке: с точки зрения эстетики, оперения, окружающей среды, цвета и сроков.
Lesson 1: Ships in Space We will be using After Effects tools as well as plug-ins to create a scene of a Starship ?ying in space that is located near a planet. Class 1: Explain the effect and about 3D Models and how to ?nd them on the net. Also,we will talk about what 3D models work with the Element 3DPlugin. Show ?nal result. Class 2: Creating a stray background using Fractal noise, images and solids Class 3: Compositing a 3D Planet using Element 3D Class 4: Adding atmosphere using glow layers and a sun using Optical Flares Class 5: Compositing & animating a 3D Starship using Element 3D Class 6: Finishing touches: lighting, color correction, lens ?airs & Render Settings
Lesson 2: Ship in Sky ?ring Missiles We will create a scene with a Starship ?ying by very fast in footage, and compositing a Starship into footage and having it shoot a missile. We will learn a matting technique to work with trees in footage and other helpful compositing tricks like adding wiggle and motion blur to a whole scene to increase the action. Class 1: Explain what the overall effect is, the tools/ assets needed and where someone could ?nd them. Show ?nal result. Class 2: Creating a Starship Fly by. Class 3: Starship Firing a missile. Class 4: Final looks and adding a global wiggle Expression that you can Key frame.
Lesson 3: Phaser & Pulse Weapons Creating the fantastical weapons of Star Trek, learning how to shoot phasers and pulse rif?es. We will use Optical Flares to create pulse blast and the beam effect to create phasers. We will also learn how to use AE lights to create casted light from our blast on the ground, and some tracking tips. Class 1: Explain what the overall effect is, the tools/ assets needed and where someone could ?nd them. Show ?nal result. Class 2: Tracking our footage and creating a Force?eld Target Class 3: Creating the Pulse weapon & Impact and overall inter active lighting Class 4: Creating the laser beam and impact, adding sound.
Lesson 4: Transporter In this lesson we will learn how to escape with our lives using our transporter. We use Keylight to get alpha channels from our green screen footage using a special nested comp technique. Then we will use our alpha channels and particles to create this effect. We will also learn some color correcting techniques. Class 1: Explain what the overall effect is, the tools/ assets needed. We also learn some tips fro creating teleportations effects, and some pitfalls. Show ?nal result. Class 2: Keying Green Screen footage using a nested comp technique also creating depth and atmosphere using fractal noise to create clouds and dust. Class 3: Creating an organic and interesting transition for our transporter Class 4: Particles, Lens Flares and color correction to ?nish the transporter effect
Lesson 5: Force Field In this lesson we will learn how to use a force ?eld to block a phaser and narrowly escape with our lives. We will use the CC Sphere effect and Fractal Noise to create a cool force?eld effect. We will also learn some other techniques to create a cool techie texture and some more lighting tips. Class 1: Explain what the overall effect is, the tools/ assets needed and where someone could ?nd them. Show ?nal result. Class 2: Setting up the shot & Creating the force ?led Class 3: Creating some additional lighting and alternate textures
Год выпуска: 2014 Производитель: Udemy Тип: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Файлы примеров: присутствуют Формат видео: MP4 Видео: MPEG4 Video (H264) 1280x720 30fps 2014kbps Аудио: AAC 44100Hz stereo 70kbps Продолжительность: 03:35:00 Размер: 1,12 Гб
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